How to Subscribe your favourite blogspot to learn new things...

Following A Blogspot Blog Without A Follow Button

  1. 1
    Create a Blogger account. Blogger is a free service that comes packaged with every Google account. Blogs published with Blogger will have a Blogspot URL. Blogger allows you to create blogs as well as follow them. The blogs that you follow will appear on your Blogger Reading List.
  2. 2
    Copy the URL. You can follow any Blogspot blog, even if it doesn't have a Follow button. All you need is the URL. The Blogspot URL is the same as the feed URL, allowing you to follow it using the Blogger Reading List (or any other blog reader).
  3. 3
    Open your Blogger Reading List. You can find your Blogger Reading List by logging into Blogger with your Google account. Your reading list is located below any Blogger blogs that you currently have.
    • Note: You can follow blogs with a variety of different readers. The method is usually very similar to using Blogger.
  4. 4
    Add the blog's URL to your Reading List.Click the Add button and a new window will open. Paste in the URL for Blogspot blog you want to follow. Use the drop-down menu to choose whether to follow publicly using your Google+ profile, or anonymously.
    • You can add multiple URLs at once by clicking the "+ Add" link and entering the next URL on the next line.
  5. 5
    Read Blogspot entries. After you've added a Blogger blog, all of the latest posts will be displayed in your Reading List. You can filter the Reading List by selecting the blog that you want to see from the left menu, or see all the latest updates by clicking the "All blogs" option.
  6. And kindly subscribe my blog
